Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Following Case Study Assesses The Three Job Of...
The following case study assesses the three job of Accountant, Financial Reporting Accountant, and Tax Accountant. The replies to the questions below concern the information gathered on the career mentioned above fields. The average annual salary $ 76,000 for the Financial Reporting Accountant IV deemed appropriate for my expectations. However, the pay for the other positions is larger than expected. It is proven the salaries are commonly aligned utilizing the following structure; required knowledge, skills, experience, job complexity, required conceptual thinking, decision-making authority, interpersonal skills, supervisorymanagement and level of impact on the organization. This also includes the standard of involvement the†¦show more content†¦The job descriptions provided are an entailment of areas of the industry, that interest and ones that are vital in the current economic times. Understanding finance should not be limited to those entering the industry. The dat a from the website varies slightly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the area of Flagler Beach. The differences are in part because the BLS uses local sources to gather statistics and information about jobs and available positions. These types of sources to present our results to the company to begin our negotiation process. By having, an understanding about the variances in salaries, we can help obtains the closer range to our desired salary. The positive factor about presenting this information during the negotiation process, it demonstrates knowledge about the local economy and company background. The Accountant, Financial Reporting Accountant, and Tax Accountant positions all work in close in procedures, finance regulations and therefore broaden the labor market. The salaries vary depending on the company and the job duties. Another factor that contributes to salary differences are location, and also the cost of living required for that region. The d ifference for each of these positions from the low, median, and high range hold minor differences. The difference amongst the low and high ranges involve a nearly 40% increase in salary. The reason for these factors comprises, the size of theShow MoreRelated64577569 An Internship Report on Chartered Accountant Firm14353 Words  | 58 Pagesï » ¿An Internship Report On Chartered Accountant Firm TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER # 1     Introduction ï †Â Â Â Â Â Some what about Chartered Accountant Firm ï †Â Â Â Â Â Organizational Structure ï †Â Â Â Â Â Geographical list of  CA firms in Pakistan ï †Â Â Â Â Â CA firms abroad Chapter # 2                 Institute of Chartered Accountants ofPakistan ( ICAP) ï †Â Â Â Â Â Introduction ï †Â Â Â Â Â Types of Chartered Accountants ï †Â Â Â Â Â Role of  ICAP Chapter # 3                 Services Rendered by a CA Firm ï †Â Â Â Â Â Auditing ï †Â Â Â Â Â TaxationRead MoreCase Study : Vikas Mahendra Associates Essay3038 Words  | 13 Pagescomplex financial analysis. AUDITING One of the most important functions of a Chartered Accountant, it is here that his specialised training, skill and judgment are most often called into play. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Humanistic Perspective on Personality Essay - 719 Words
The humanistic perspective on personality deals exclusively with human behavior. Humanistic psychologists believe that human nature includes a natural drive towards personal growth, that humans have the freedom to choose what they do regardless of environmental factors, and humans are mostly conscious beings and are not controlled by unconscious needs and conflicts. They also believe that a persons subjective view of the world is more important than objective reality. Two of the humanistic theorists that have made an impact of humanism are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. When thinking about my personality in regard to different personality theories, I felt that I could most relate to the humanistic theory. Carl Rogers†¦show more content†¦I was fortunate to have parents that Rogers would say showed me unconditional love. Because of this, I feel that I can get past obstacles and rough times because I know that I am worthy of love, regardless. I also I agree that experiences that threaten peoples views of themselves cause anxiety. If I feel that I am doing good in a class and feel like Ive been working hard and using my brains potential and then I get a failing grade on a test or assignment, I feel anxious. I thought that I was doing good, and now I dont know what to think. My self-concept is threatened. A natural defense is to blame the teacher, or the test, or make excuses for myself because I dont like to have my self-concept threatened. Abraham Maslow described the hierarchy of needs as a systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority, in which basic needs must be met before less basic needs are aroused. The most basic needs are physiological needs that one must have in order to survive. Then you need safety and security. If these needs are not met, you dont go on to belongingness and love needs. And without belongingness and love, you wont have a very high self-esteem, which is the next level. This hierarchy goes up until you reach the need for self-actualization. This is the need to fulfill your potential. Maslow described this as What a man can be, he must be. I think that this applies to myself. If I get my final grades and they areShow MoreRelatedHumanistic/Existential Perspective of Personality927 Words  | 4 PagesHumanistic/Existential perspective of personality Christine Bernardo Psych 405 December 3, 2012 Thom Mote Humanistic/Existential perspective of personality I would like to summarize the strengths of both the humanistic and existential perspectives of personality. This will focus on strengths and examples of personalities using these theories. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theoretical Application Of An Application Assignment Essay
Theoretical Application Assignment EDUC 181 50 points possible Your Name: Sara Sparks ________________________________________ Instructions: You should spend approximately one hour observing a child ages 3-10 years. Take notes during your observation!!!! You must use this format for your final paper! Just answer the questions below. You should cite your text for this assignment. You will only earn full credit if you correctly answer every question cite multiple theorists or textbook content per question. You may have to Google some terms or do additional research to adequately answer these questions. This should be a challenging assignment. I am less concerned about what you observed and more concerned about your ability to relate what you observed to course content in a professional manner. I will take off points for late submissions per syllabus guidelines. I will also take off points for errors in typing, grammar, and punctuation or the use of non-professional writing style or words. Name of child (please use a pseudonym): Kiera Age (or approx. age) of child: 4 years old Date of Your Observation: Sunday, October 16, 2016. Time span observed: 5 hours Record what you observed about the child you chose in the following areas and interpret according to developmental expectations listed in your text of a child this age: 1. Describe the types of activities the child participated in while you were observing. Where was the child located?Show MoreRelatedHCS 405 Week 1 Health Care Financial Terms Worksheet Paper1042 Words  | 5 Pagesthe citizens need to live a successful and healthy life. The worksheet is intended to ensure that the students understand some of the basic terms used in the business world of the health care industry. 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The subject line for the e-mail should be â€Å"MSC516-Problem Set 5 - †Please do not deviate in any way from this subject line format. Each of the five questions in this assignment is worth 20 points for a maximum of 100 points. If you are more than 1 day late in submitting the completed Problem Set, you will be assessed a point penalty. The answers will be posted 3 days after the Problem Set is due. No credit will be givenRead MoreBecoming A Software Application Developer999 Words  | 4 Pagesgetting paid to do it. Becoming a software application developer, I hope to create applications that can help make daily life easier. There are a plethora of applications that have helped make my life better and more convenient, and I plan to have the same affect to other younger generations. Software application developer work with computers day to day. They are the brains behind every program you run on your personal computer. They create applications based on what is needed at the current timeRead MoreEntrepreneurship Assignment1021 Words  | 5 Pages Learning Outcome Upon completion of this assignment, students should be able to : i. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurial management. ii. Develop a capacity for informed critical understanding of environmental conditions and the ability to analyze current trends. iii. Demonstrate entrepreneurial activities and competence building. iv. Demonstrate an understanding of the strategy process. Assignment Specifications According to Michael J. SilversteinRead MoreAssignment Ignou Acc 11347 Words  | 6 PagesACC-1 Bachelor’s Degree Programme (BDP) Application Oriented Course Organizing Child Care Services ASSIGNMENT 1 July 2011/January 2012 [pic] SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi -110068 Application Oriented Course in Organising Child Care Services (ACC-1) ASSIGNMENT 1 July 2011/January 2012 Course : ACCRead MoreNursing Research Essay1370 Words  | 6 Pages* Your Learning Team has been assigned two articles to analyze for assignments in Weeks Three and Four. One article is a qualitative research study, and the other is a quantitative research study. Identify which article is which, and then complete the table where applicable. Write no more than three sentences in each cell of the table. * * | * Qualitative | * Quantitative | * Article Name Listed in APA Format | Jerlock, M., Gaston-Johansson, F., amp; Danielson, E. (2005).Read MoreEssay WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT617 Words  | 3 Pagesanalyze for assignments in Weeks Three and Four. One article is a qualitative research study, and the other is a quantitative research study. Identify which article is which, and then complete the table where applicable. Write no more than three sentences in each cell of the table. Qualitative Quantitative Research question Problem Purpose Hypothesis Independent variable Dependent variable Theoretical framework Population Setting Sampling method Practice application TheoreticalRead MoreAssignment Case Study Honda1227 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment Case study Honda Marketing [pic] Introduction: This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500  ± 10% word report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills in understanding key strategic issues relating to the Global Automobile Industry. You will be required to apply the strategic concepts and analytical techniques studied in this module. All the learningRead More(a) Threat of New Entrants and Substitutes for Tesco1258 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: This individual assignment will be assessed by means of a 3,500  ± 10% word Report. The assignment has been designed to allow you to develop and use your knowledge and skills in understanding key strategic issues relating to food retail internationalisation. You will be required to apply the strategic concepts and analytical techniques studied in this module. All the learning outcomes below will be assessed: 1. Demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant theories associated
Infancy Free Essays
Psychosocial Stages of Development- Infancy and Toddlerhood There are two stages of psychosocial stages of development that occur in Infancy and Toddlerhood. In this discussion I will be discussing them and the elements in each. In Infancy the two stages of psychosocial development are trust vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Infancy or any similar topic only for you Order Now mistrust, these two stages are very important for the mental development of a child. This stage lasts from birth to two years old. During this stage an infant learns the stages of trusting their caregiver to take care of their needs. According to Erik Erikson, this stage in an infant’s development is a direct correlation to the levels of trust they will have as adults (Newman amp; Newman, 2102). For example, as an infant cries for their caregiver to meet basic needs such as feeding, diaper changes, or if the infant simply needs love and attention they are learning to develops a sense of trust in their caregiver and how quickly, or if all, their needs are being met. As a toddler, children are taught right from wrong and learn to trust their own perceptions. These are all important characteristics that will shape the child as they grow into adults. Erikson’s psychosocial theory explains the toddler’s self-identity and fear of separateness (Newman amp; Newman, 2012). As a Toddler, the crisis that exists is that between autonomy and shame or guilt (Newman amp; Newman, 2012). This is very important because the toddler begins to find their own way separate from their parents coaching. They feel shame or guilt if something they do goes wrong or it does not turn out the way they thought. If they do something that they sense as bad and their caregiver does not encourage them to try again, the toddler may experience anger or resentment toward other people as they age. As a mental health counselor, my knowledge of the stages of infancy and toddlers will help me serve individuals, students and families more effectively. I believe that every adult is a direct reflection of his or her childhood. The mental state of my clients is heavily determined by the way they grew up and the love and attention they received. To better understand this theory will give me a blueprint and research to ask questions regarding the relationship with their parents and their childhood experiences. If there is a family that is having problems communicating with each other, it will be a great tool to use to make a synopsis of the causes of the lack of communication or other negative behaviors. Erik Erikson’s, theory is a well thought out theory that all counselors can use to better understand the reasoning of their clients behavior. It will be a great theory to discuss with my clients to help them make a direct connection to their childhood experiences as well. References: Newman, B. , amp; Newman, P. (2012). Development through life: A psychosocial approach (11th ed. ) (L. Schreiber-Ganster, Ed. ). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. (Original work published 2009) How to cite Infancy, Papers
Girl Essay Example For Students
Girl Essay GIRL IN HYACINTH BLUEOverviewIn eight quasi-connected stories, Susan Vreeland delivers a fictional lesson on aesthetics. Set amidst human sorrow and historic chaos, the narrative follows an imagined Vermeer painting from the present day through 330 years of its provenancebeginning with its willful destruction in the 1990s and concluding with its inspired creation in the 1660s:Chapter 1. 1995(?): in Pennsylvania, math teacher Cornelius Englebrecht burns the painting in his fireplace; 1942: in Amsterdam, from the Vredenburg home, German soldier Otto Engelbrecht loots the painting, hides it, and absconds with it to America. Chapter 2. 1940: in Amsterdam, diamond merchant Sol Vredenburg buys the painting for his daughter Hannah as a gift for her 11th birthday. Chapter 3. 1899: in Vreeland, engineer Laurens van Luyken, having originally purchased the picture as an anniversary gift for his wife, decides to give it to his daughter Johanna, engaged to the Amsterdamer Fritz. Chapter 4. 1803: in The Hague, French aristocrat Gerard buys the painting from a Dutch noble; wife Claudine absconds with and sells it, without the documents attesting to its authenticity. Chapter 5. 1717-18: from the floodwaters of Delfzijl, scholar Adriaan Kuypers flees with the painting to Oling where he relinquishes it to the farmers wife, Saskia, who sells it to a dealer in Amsterdam. Chapter 6. 1717: in Delfzijl, Aunt Rika, wife of a slave trader, offers the painting as a bribe to her nephew Adriaan to hide the evidence of his bastard child and keep her name respectable. Chapter 7. 1665-8: in Delft, Vermeer begins and completes the painting of his daughter Magdelena. Chapter 8. 1675: in Delft, Vermeer dies, and after his death his daughter Magdelena sells the painting to the local baker; later, in Amsterdam in 1696, Magdelena observes a nice family buying the painting at auction. Topics For Discussion1. The plot summary reveals that much of the pictures provenance remains unknown. Why do you think Vreeland leaves blank so much of the pictures history? Where do you imagine the painting was, say, between 1803 and 1890? Why do you think Vreeland places the painting in periods of history reflecting so many atrocities? What would have been gainedor lostfrom this novel had the author placed the picture in more heroic moments of human history?2. For many readers the chapters seem uneven in quality. Which chapters seem to you more/less successful than the others? Can you say why some fail to work as well as others?3. The original title for the opening chapter was Love Burning. What additional textual evidence exists to affirm the paintings destruction by Cornelius? Do you think that Cornelius makes a morally correct decision when he burns the picture? Do you think that Richard ought to have stepped in to save it?4. In A Night Different From All Other Nights, Hannah s laughters the familys pet pigeons. Why and for whom does Hannah destroy these pets? How is the death of the pigeons related to the Amsterdam setting? In what way is the familys celebration of Passover relevant to this story? Would a different Jewish holiday, say Chanukah, have had the same symbolic value?5. Why do you think that Digna sews samplers, in Adagia, embedded with quotations by Erasmus? You might want to discuss Erasmus, and the part this Dutch Renaissance humanist plays in the drama going on between this 19th century husband and wife?6. The Hyacinth Blue chapter is written in the first person and in a vastly different style from that of the other chapters. Authors often use the first person point of view to expose an unreliable narrator. In what way is Claudines account of these events unreliable? In other words, what part or parts of the story does she fail to understand? Why do you think that Vreeland chose to tell Claudines story from that characters limited point of v iew?7. In the Morningshine chapter, Saskia and Stign have an unsatisfying marriage. Indeed, unhappy marriages and unpromising couples seem to be the norm in this book. What, according to Vreeland, constitutes an unhappy union?8. Why is scholarly Adriaan Kuypers, in the Personal Papers chapter, attracted to superstitious Aletta Pieters? Does Alettas family history help to explain her irrational behavior?9. The concluding Magdelena Looking chapter traces the paintings subject from her wistful 14th year (when she wishes her father would paint her) to her melancholic middle age. In it, we learn that following her fathers death, Magdelena marries an unimaginative saddler, moves to Amsterdam, and ends up childless. What does this sad story contribute to the viewers understanding of the painting?10. Magdelena sells the painting for over 300 gilders. Saskia sells it for 75 gilders. Claudine sells it for 24 gilders. Today, the picture would be sold for several hundred million gilders. Given these discrepancies, what do you think Vreeland is suggesting about the monetary value of art?The novel opens in the present day when Cornelius Engelbrecht, a lonely math teacher, invites one of his colleagues from the art department to see a painting he has kept secret for decades. The Phone Call EssayThough he insists its an authentic Vermeer, a painting ready to rock the art world, he explains vaguely, I prefer it not be known. Security risks. I just wanted you to see it, because you can appreciate it.The art teacher leaves unconvinced, and Corneliuss dreadful paradox is unresolved. Hes spent decades worshipping the painting and enduring the guilt that stains it since he first learned his father stole it from Jews he helped deport from the Netherlands. As he stares at the girl in blue, the narrator explains, The one thing he craved, to be believed, struck at odds with the thing he most feared, to be linked by blood with his centurys supreme cruelty. Hed have to risk exposure for the pure pleasure of delighting with another in the luminescence of her eye.From this haunting first chapter, the book moves backward in time to the previous owners of the painting. In each new house, all the way back to Vermeers, it assumes a new meaning. For little Hannah in Amsterdam, the girl in the blue dress is a model of pensive contemplation amid the rising tide of anti-Semitism. Hannah is burdened with a profound sense that she and her family are living, as Emily Dickinson put it, between the heaves of storm. In this stunning chapter, nothing more violent than the death of a pigeon takes place, but the horizon glows with horror. Further back, the painting belonged to a man who loved it as a memory of the love he foolishly lost. For an earlier owner, its an emblem of the daughter she cannot bear. Caught in what Vreeland calls the excruciating complexities of life, each owner relinquishes the Vermeer only as a last resort. One desperate young man wraps his newborn son with the painting and leaves it on a boat near a flooded house. The note reads, Sell the painting. Feed the baby.Vreelands study of Girl in Hyacinth Blue illuminates the hopes and fears we invest in beautiful objects. In the end, the narrator notes, its only the moments that we have. But what exquisite moments they are in this thoughtful book. Girl In Hyacinth Blue How different owners express feelings toward artEssay written by: bigshaggyArt renders the extraordinary brilliance of peoples lives. Susan Vreelands lovely Girl in Hyacinth Blue brings together an artfully constructed reversed chronological novel. A kind of contemporary hiding-place of a painting credited to Vermeer all the way back to the moment the work was fathered. The purpose of art is to provide a sense of grace and fulfillment to the heart and soul. Vermeers paintings speak so powerfully, nearly four centuries after their creation, of the mysteries of character and time and of the unimportant details that make up a life. Delicate affections toward sentimental values may be arduous to allow betrayal; not only women enjoy the soft spots of art. Haughty feelings toward sentimental values may be difficult to allow confer. A math teacher, Cornelius Engelbrecht supposedly burns the painting in his fire place. Embarrassed by his fathers hovering nervousness wh enever he brought home a school friend. (pg. 13) Despite his embarrasment, had he have the will to burn the painting or relinquish it? Perhaps, he could have burned it for the reason that the painting brought about painful memories. 1942, in Amsterdam German soldier Otto Engelbrecht loots the painting, hides it, and then escapes with it to America; bringing his son painful memories in the future. Although this could be the case, he could have relinquished it or destroyed it; this could be debated further because Cornelius knew that destroying the painting, would be burning a hole in his heart and soul; on the other hand relinquishing it, would bring the forever lasting disdain. In Vreeland, Laurens van Luyken, originally purchased the painting as an anniversary gift for his wife, but is hesitant, No. Why not the painting? Because I gave it to you. But it would be a touch of our home in theirs. I wouldnt want to be without it.' (pg. 65) to give it to his daughter Johanna, who is enga ged to the Amsterdamer Fritz. The value doesnt necessarily have to be something that is rich, it can also be sentimentally valued to the heart and soul. Humanity does not want to confer such beauty unless they are monetarily deficient, even then trying their hardest to take hold of their sentiment. As people become more monetarily deficient, it gives them more of a sense of want for priceless possessions. A student named Adriaan Kuypers disappears with the painting to Oling where he gives it up to the farmers wife, Saskia, who sells it to a dealer in Amsterdam. As for the painting, she had hung it on a clothes peg to get it out of the way. In the evenings she hung clothes in front of it, so Stijin might not be reminded, but in the day she uncovered it Morningshine she called it only if she could keep the painting. (pg. 121) Saskia, wanting the painting, had no choice but to sell it because of her husband and her monetary problems. So the next time I saw Aletta crying in front of the painting, I sat beside her and studied it, trying to understand how something so beautiful could grieve her. The tenderness of the girls face showed it was painted with intimacy and love- qualities missing. Obviously, Adriaan is feeling not loved enough, the painting which gives him few. I asked her what had made her cry. Papa said she had eyes like that, like pale blue moons, and hair like hers, that golden brown color, only in braids. She died when I was born. (pg. 161) Aletta is missing a whole lot in her life, caused by the death of her birth giver. Was it possible to paint with good conscience what he didnt understand? What he didnt even know? The face, not beautiful; the expression charged yet under containment for him, he believed. To render it with honesty rather than pride or even mere love, to go beyond the painting of known sentiment into mystery that was her challenge to him. In Delft, Vermeer begins and completes the painting of his daughter Magdelena, the face, not beautiful for him Vermeer, he believed. (pg. 221) which he apparently paints beautifully. In Delft, Vermeer dies, and after his death, his daughter Magdelena sells the painting to the local baker to cover debts; later, in Amsterdam in 1696, Magdelena sees a nice family buying the painting at an auction. She is very saddened to see someone take her childhood, also feeling sorry for the baker, whom lost most of his money at the auction. The painting reflected most upon the women; although if the ratio of men to women was greater, there would be a greater probability of the same affections toward the piece of art. Hannah for example was very enthusiastic about the painting, perhaps because it was just so subtle and innocent. Men such as Saskias husband didnt care much for the painting, he just wanted to sell it to get money; Itll fetch five guilders surely. (pg. 127) it didnt have any sentimental value to him. On the other hand I am being hippocratic by saying that the men didnt value the art. Laurens van Luyken for example loved the painting so much; his wife liked it, but apparently not enough to keep her from wanting to give it to her daughter who is engaged to the Amsterdamer Fritz. They all needed the painting very much because it was something they didnt have like the witch that Adrian was married to. The painting reminded her of her mother and how she always wanted to see and know her. Both men and women had feelings about the painting, to get it out of their lives, or to forever keep it to touch their soul. Women like Saskia and men like Cornelius didnt want to let go of the painting within their souls. Everyone had a reason, to do whatever was needed. The value of art is to render the extraordinary brilliance of peoples lives; to relate to the lives of others in the society. The unique purpose of art is to provide an exhilarating touch of love, sorrow, warmth, depth, and happiness to the soul and heart. The value of art, both personal and monetary; the h ard work of great art is very self- rewarding and gives a great sense of accomplishment. Monetarily speaking, an artist such as Vermeer must paint in order to make a living and support his family of 11 children, And there were other debts. (pg. 209) Overall, the book describes the soul purpose of art to provide love, sorrow, warmth, depth and happiness to the soul and heart. The monetary wing is also very important because many of the owners had to sell the painting; no matter how much they treasured the painting, they still had to sell it because of monetary problems to keep them on their feet. Elevated feelings toward emotional values may be difficult to let go of. Susan Vreelands ravishing novel reveals the true owner, tracing proprietors from the present to the past. The painting symbolizes something that each owner is missing in his or her life, whether it was personally or monetarily. Vermeers painting had a great affect on all the owners because something was missing in his o r her life and the painting filled that hole. The last thing humanity would want to do, is let away fragments of their life for monetary reasons. Personal emotions are stronger than monetary rationalizations.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Marketing Management Knowledge and Skills †
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management for Knowledge and Skills. Answer: Introduction: IKEA is a renowned global furnishing firm that with a reputation of providing home-based products and Scandinavian-style furniture. Across the globe, the firm has more than 230 stores, and its operations and services are available in more than 42 countries. Moreover, the company has estimated 70, 000 employees who consumes the services and products (Dahlvig 2011). According to Kristoffersson, the stores serve more than 410 million buyers annually. The organization principles are founded on the belief that offering range of furniture that is well designed at lower prices than that of competitors can attract more consumers due to the affordability across various demographics. Currently, the group is owned by a holding firm known as INGKA which is not listed in any stock market in the world (Kristoffersson 2014). On the company website, the vision of the group is to create a better everyday life for the many people. An analysis of the company primary business and practices in the society reveals that the management focuses on this vision because they manufacture and distribute of a wide range of home based furnishing products that are delivered at a friendly price to consumers (Muhr Aytekin 2016). Since the main ethics is to produce high-quality products at affordable prices, the management has worked toward the development of innovative and cost-effective methods of productions since its inception. Besides, the firm maximizes the use of raw materials to make products that meet the consumers needs and wants (Lewis 2005). Ingvar Kamprad, a native of Sweden founded the IKEA group in 1943 in Sweden. During the time of founding the company he was at the age of 17. Kamprad received money from his father for his efforts and excellence performance in school. The money collected was used as a capital to begin the company. The initials in the companys name (IKEA) represented the first letters in the name of the farm and village where he was born and grew up (Wilson Gilligan 2012). In the early days of its foundation, it specialized with the provision of essential items like pens, table runners, picture frames, nylons stockings, wallets, watches and jewelry at a much lower price (Lewis 2005). However, after five years in business, Kamprad began furniture business in 1948. Due to a positive response from buyers, the product line began to expand in size and geographically. Customers could visit the stores, view and touch the furniture provided in the catalogue. After that, IKEA opened the first showroom in the country with an objective of gaining a competitive advantage from the market because of the price war with local rivals. The primary purpose of having a viewing place was to help customers determine the value for money (Boonsener et al. 2011). In the long run, IKEA arrived at a decision that allowed them to produce their design furniture in a bid to contain competition because the rivals made the suppliers boycott the group products. In 1963, IKEA established the first store outside the country and following its decision to venture in Norway. In the years and decades that followed, the company began to spread across the globe in many countries. These countries include Denmark, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Canada and Austria (Harapiak 2013). Further, the IKEA group embarked on the process of forming many alliances with different suppliers that helped introduce products, concepts, to enhance cost-effectiveness. For example, the partnership enabled the production of innovative and multifunctional recliner made through the use of denim, a raw material obtained at a low cost. In 1980, the formulated furniture concepts were implemented at regular intervals, and this enabled the IKEA group to expand to other markets in the world through franchising. Different ownership structure in the organization was created by the founder to confirm the long-term independence of the group. A significant portion of the group was donated to a particular foundation, but the right to Franchise the firms concept was reserved to the IKEA group of companies. In the following decades, the IKEA group developed the capability to expand the market further to other geographical locations and began to produce furniture for children. The decade also saw the management launch a website to reach diverse markets, and experts were engaged in consulting on the issues of children play areas, baby areas, room settings and others such as kitchen based on the new concept developed during the period. Further, the IKEA group began participating in numerous projects such as forestry projects for sustainability purposes and formulating acceptable policies and practices where it has operations (Harapiak 2013). SWOT is an acronym describing various aspects of the company in the business environment. The term is a representation of the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The tool is very powerful to be used for strategic management because it highlights the strengths and weaknesses that the firm needs to deal with and the threats and opportunities to exploit. Both Strengths and weaknesses comprise of the internal factors to the organization while the possibilities and threats are external issues that the group require countering. Therefore it helps in improving the chances of success in the business and help when the company is embarking on a new strategy before they venture into a particular project (Sandberg Mena, 2015). IKEA group has different strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities available in the business environment. The firm has multiple advantages namely worldwide presence, known and reputable brand, provision of affordable products, good product designs, a wide range of goods and services, strong financial position and excellent design of all its stores. The company operations are present globally and can be accessed in more than377 stores (Dale Kyle 2015). Further, the products are available on the website and buyers can access them through installing an app. Due to this, the company has managed to maintain a strong brand and reputable image and also offers affordable products which are of high quality and excellent design. For instance, they have attractive designs that make them accessible in the market, and they come in wide range. Besides, the brand is very creative as it caters for all the needs of the furniture market (Boonsener et al. 2011). A strong brand and stylish modern designs of the furniture have contributed to the growth sales, and this adds to its financial strength. Despite having many strengths, the company has various flaws such as weak position in Asian markets, and its demographic design does bring competitive advantage to the market. The IKEA group has not been able to perform excellently in the Asian markets where it seeks to enter another country. This is because of the low demands of its goods and services combined with increased competition from rivals well established in the market. The Asian markets have a broad range of small and huge enterprises which has the capability to provide good designs at much lower prices and therefore threat to the company furniture. The demographic design concept formulated from the 1980s through 1990s has failed to achieve competitive advantage (Ataman et al. 2010). There are various opportunities available for Ikea in the business environment in the emerging markets. The possibility of forming alliances and partnerships with other furniture brands and its ability to provide the market with premium goods and services for the market (Navarro et al. 2011). To this regard, the group can find substantial opportunities to carry business in the emerging markets such as Africa and Asia. These possibilities can be used to improve the brand presence in various continents and realize huge profits and revenue. On the other hand, the brand can decide to enter into strategic partnerships with other companies operating in the same industry to increase its domination in the market especially in Asian markets. For instance, it would be advisable to have joint ventures with other local brands because they have market knowledge and can lead to increase market presence. In the Asian continent, the cost of raw materials for the manufacture of products is comparatively low and labor in many countries in Asian markets is affordable and much available (Jayachandran et al. 2013). Therefore, when setting production facilities and stores in countries like Myanmar, the cost of output costs will significantly reduce. Another strategic step IKEA can take is to add premium products to its portfolio. There are various risks in the markets even after the end of global economic and surge of business. Many markets are now demanding premium products due to improved economic outlooks in the country. This stands as a significant threat to IKEA group affordable products. Besides, the level of completion in the market from other competitor brands has increased, and the company sometimes faces restrictions and challenges when operating in the Asian markets (Novicevic et al. 2012). STEEPLE Analysis of IKEA in Myanmar STEEPLE analysis of the environment is imperative as it provides an overview of external and internal factors that affects the business. It stands for social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical. The section analyses these factors to have an understanding on the factors in the environment which can affect its operations. Social factors in the country have been affected by the income distribution as the huge budget is allocated to the military while education and health of the society are ignored. On the other hand, the income distribution is not equal, and the level of skills are so low which makes it hard to find trained sufficiently personnel in the country. There is also social conflicts based on ethnic and religious factors which can affect the growth of the business (Kattelus et al. 2015). Since the beginning of the decade, the country opened up to new technology, but the level of investment in the sector is very low and wanting. For instance, Myanmar is one of the countries with lowest internet penetration, and this makes the internet is unreliable for the organization and manufacturing companies. These issues will affect the business operations and profit generated since companies heavily relies on technology to offer products and services to the market. Therefore, the fact that the sector is underdeveloped alters how business market their products and the method used in the manufacture of good and provision of services. However, the situation is expected to change in the future following permission by the government to allow foreign company to invest in the ICT sector and revolutionize it (Pode et al. 2016). The nation is economically poor and one of the poorest in Asia regions due to a high level of unemployment and low income per capita. The nation is largely dependent on agriculture and vulnerable to weather changes such as drought and floods that are very rare in the country. The policies implemented decades ago fails to provide incentives for the businesses, and also power blackouts affects the growth of the companies and uncompetitive with others. These issues greatly hampers the production process and hurt business (Harapiak 2013). There are environmental factors likely to affect the businesses in the country and in particular the furniture industry due to heavy logging. The country is hit by massive deforestation and illegal logging by international companies, but the government is not concerned with the pressing issues. However, several issues have been considered such as planting of trees and conservation efforts by protectionists. The issue is likely to have an impact on the furniture industry in Myanmar (Raitzer et al. 2015). The political atmosphere of the country is not stable because it is characterized by election-related violence and military control of the government. The military regime in place has a lot of control and has negative attitudes and policies regarding international organization and therefore hard to establish operation for a foreign government. This is because the rules and policies implemented by the government may be unpredictable and unfavorable to companies (Chua Gilbert 2016). The legal and judicial environment is characterized by massive corruption which affects the business. For instance, the military regime in the country has been known to bribe the institution which led to the oppression of people and therefore the interest of the population was overlooked. On the other hand, the level of corruption in the country affects the businesses and more particularly the foreign enterprises seeking to establish operations in the country. Therefore before planning to build the company, there should understand the legal environment and its impacts (Lu Jin 2016). There are various social values and beliefs which affect the business behavior of the business people, and this needs to be considered when setting operations in Myanmar. The religious and cultural beliefs affect the actions of organizations in the market. On the other hand, the company must follow standard ethical rules in the manufacture and provisions of goods and services to the market (Wah 2015). Marketing Mix of Ikea on Myanmar The sections focus on IKEA market strategy on Myanmar namely the product, price, place and promotion strategies that can be applied in the market. The section below explains the marketing and the general marketing strategy that IKEA group can use in the Myanmar to penetrate the market successfully and capture huge numbers of buyers. The marketing 4 Ps can be used to understand the potential that can make it the most favorite furniture brand (Peter Donnelly 2011). When venturing into the new market, Ikea group should try to understand the market needs and wants and the prospects of consumers. For instance, the firm can study the potential of the target segment of Myanmar market and provide the variety of options the buyers and the clients of the company. The product strategy should rely on already established brands to propel the company popularity and reach more consumers. Besides, the group should continuously evolve with the business environment of the country by producing fresh designs to help in the differentiation of Ikea products (Dale Kyle 2015). Ikea is a well-known brand in the market, and the products are differentiated from that of rival companies, but the focus should be to provide consumers with assortment goods and service to avoid obstructions from other consumers and defeat the barriers of confined classes. When entering the new market of Myanmar, the company should embrace a methodology that is suited to the market and specifically the price policy. The firm should implement a system that makes the prices of the products conscious of the brand esteem which mean it should not be overpriced or too low (Posner 2015). In Myanmar, the price strategy used in other markets should be replicated where the firm will provide quality and excellent designs at comparatively lower prices to that of the competitors to gain consumers and retain them (Wu et al. 2010). The place strategy to be employed in Myanmar should ensure that the IKEA group only give rights for suppliers in the country to franchisee in the areas where such has not been done. When offering the rights to franchisees, the focus should be so many things such as experience, ability to understand the local market knowledge and establish a huge presence in the country. Other to consider is the corporate values and culture, and the financial strength which makes the franchisees capable of penetrating across the country in small and large-scale retail methodology (Schirone 2012). As expected from companies in the level of Ikea, the strategy should be utilize all form of promotions to capture the new market. Because the brand name is already familiar and the pricing structure is favorable, the best promotions likely to achieve success includes sales and trade promotions (Lu Jin 2016; Persson Hstlund Widenfors 2015). The strategy comprises concentrating on the use of coupons, festival promotions, price discounts and a range of other gimmicks to gain natural advantages from various deals to the customers. The company can use the print and digital Medias to capture the attention of the consumers, but the models used to communicate in the market should take into consideration the factors in that country (Kattelus et al. 2015). For instance, the promotions used in the country should be localized to help make the products look desirable. Ansoff Matrix of IKEA In order present the desired corporate growth plans the company can use Ansoff Matrix. The Ansoff matrix model is used by managers in the organizations to help them focus on the current and prospective goods available in the industry. Four possible market and product combination can be employed to ensure the firm's growth with existing goods and other different products in the current market and the new market for investment. In this case, the matrix will be used by IKEA on existing products and markets and the other hand concentrate on new products and market (Hussain et al. 2013). For example, the company seek to venture into Myanmar market and possible new services and products which can be offered to the market. In market penetration, the firm can decide to attain growth with the products being offered in the market but target different market niches to help gain and increase the market share in the market (Ponte et al. 2014). On the other hand, in the market development, the firm can encourage the kind of growth it desired by focusing on the current products for the niches in the Myanmar market. In product development, IKEA can focus on designing new products and offer to them in the Myanmar market with to different niches. Lastly, the organization can go for diversification strategy where it seeks to realize growth by investing in various industries and making goods for the consumers of the sector (Ataman et al. 2010). Myanmar furniture industry has various competitors who provide furniture products in the country. The competition is through pricing strategy for goods and services, designs and materials used and some consumers. One of the competitors in the country is Khine Industries Company Limited which provide service to its customers in Myanmar. The company was formed in 1996 and has more than 200 People and a total revenue of US$2.5 and US$5 Million. The company offers its products to the local market at a lower price and provide excellent designs for the buyers. The products produced by the firm will compete with that of IKEA because it offers Outdoor Furniture which includes the solid furniture such as those found in the living and dining room. The source of competition would be the ability of the company to produce teak outdoor and indoor well-designed furniture. The products manufactured to match the local and international market needs and want due to its capacity to offer traditional an d contemporary solid furniture made of wood (Appanah 2015). Yangon Wood Industries Limited is another competitor who will compete with IKEA in the Myanmar market. The firm is based in the city of Yangon and sells its products in the Asia and European markets. The main product includes teak products such as Teak Decking, Flooring and furniture to the primary consumers. Therefore this is one of the main competitors because it has products which are demanded by the local and European market. Besides, the price offered by the company is reasonable, and the designs are from the different range and this makes it a formidable competitors. Lastly, one of the main competitors includes the classic home located in Myanmar in the state of Yangon. Although it is not a big manufacturer of furniture products, the company poses a lot of competition because it has local knowledge and already established in the market. Its main products include the Rattan Furniture, Accessories and also offer Bamboo Accessories. The company products cater for local market compared to the westernized products offered by IKEA which mean the group has to change he concept to match that of the market (Appanah 2015). These three companies have a competitive advantage in the market, and they offer products and services which match that of the local society. Further, they have established the local market knowledge and have developed concepts which enable them to serve the market well. Therefore for IKEA, the firm will require to develop knowledge of making such products, search for trusted suppliers and capture the market that poses a huge threat to them. These may also affect the pricing of the goods and provision of premium products as it is in other markets in Europe and America. The analysis reveals that the consumers in the country value classic traditional designs which IKEA has no sufficient knowledge on how to make them (Helm Gritsch 2014). Conclusion In the coming decades wood for the production of furniture will be very hard to find due to evolving policies on logging. The future of the furniture industry is pegged on recycling of woods which has already served its purpose and IKEA group need to consider the strategy is moving to the future due to the issues of wood technology and the problem of deforestation across the world. Besides, the industry has not realized the level of innovation like other sectors, and therefore the designs have remained more the same. IKEA group should explore and bring innovative designs which cater for issues of health, fitness and luxury of the users and their intrinsic experience. Further, the company need to be ahead in the industry by ensuring automation of furniture parts to produce a different and thrilling experience for the consumers and users of its products. Important to consider is the logistics used in the delivery of product and services because it is the most costly and damaging in the supply chain. The methods employed should be free of late delivery, damages of parts, and also reduce service involvement with buyers. Therefore this means a constant improvement of the supply chain logistics to protect the value of the brand is needed. Bibliography Appanah, S. S. K. a. D. P. 2., 2015. Restoration of forests and degraded lands in Southeast Asia 1. Unasylva, 66(245), p. 52. Ataman, M., Van Heerde, H. Mela, C., 2010. The long-term effect of marketing strategy on brand sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(5), pp. 866-882. Boonsener, P., Thazali, M. Shahizah, S., 2011. 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