Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Final Project Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Final Project Assignment - Research Paper Example They do their best to try to educate people to see what they say are excessive incidents of animal cruelty by big companies, farms, and individuals. They promote vegetarianism and do a lot of advertising using celebrities and attention-getting themes in order to try to get their message across. They were founded in 1980 in Norfolk, Virginia and have now grown to be a large organization with chapters around the world and hundreds of employees.         PETA is best known for their advertising campaigns which often feature prominent celebrities such as Pamela Anderson, David Cross, and a great many supermodels. One of their biggest campaigns features these celebrities nakedâ€â€with their private parts hidden, of courseâ€â€under the slogan, â€Å"I’d rather go naked than wear fur.†Fur and companies that make or promote fur products have long been a major target for PETA. Other targets include the fast food industries and many of the travelling circuses that they say mistreat circus animals. These campaigns, which are often very flashy and attention getting, draw a lot of media notice and are displayed prominently. One of the more recent campaigns suggested that people should start calling fish â€Å"sea kittens†in an effort to change the way sea animals are thought of and to try and make them appear more cute. The line used in this ad said, â€Å"When your name can als o be used as a verb that means driving a hook through your head, its time for a serious image makeover. And who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?†Some of these campaigns are funny and interesting, but others have drawn a huge amount of controversy. In 2005, PETA launched a campaign suggesting farm animals are the same as slaves. They showed pictures of cows chained up and then pictures of black people chained up. After complaints, they removed the ads. It appears that PETA is
Sunday, October 27, 2019
An Observation Of Creative Childs Play Young People Essay
An Observation Of Creative Childs Play Young People Essay Method of observation The method of observation that I will be using is time sampling, the reason is that it allows me to point out many important information in an exact time and it is useful because it gives a wider picture of the child. Type of observation The type of observation is participant. I actually participated in the activities that the child A was participating and I observed her at the same time too. Record of observation 9.00 am: Child (A) is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and both of her arms crossed. The teacher told them that they can now go to take part in the free play session. Child A quickly gets up stands and walks towards the creative table, where there was a paint activity set up. Next child A picks up a blue apron with her right hand. She put her right arm into the apron first then she put her left arm into the apron. She asks me to fasten her apron from the back. 9.15 am: child A is still at the painting area, she picks up a small paint brush with her right hand. A then applies some blue pain on to a piece of A3 paper, after that she moves the paint brush towards the paper, A then dabbed the paint brush onto the paper two times. 9.30 am: within painting area, one of As friend comes closer to A and asks her to play with her. Child A gets excited and they start to play. After a while A and her friend ask me what they can draw as I sit down on a chair at the end of the table. I suggest them that they can draw each other. Therefore, child (A) picks a red paint and tries to draw her friend. 9.45 am: child A is at the drawing area by her self. She is drawing a picture of her dog with a brown felt tip pen. She is making a rough circle with big ears and a long neck. 10.00 am: child A is at the sand area with her two friends. Shes trying to make a cake for her peers. While shes making a cake, I asked her about the recipe. sugar, chocolate and . she said. Therefore, I explained her that we need sugar, egg, flour and water to start with. She pretends that she added the thing that she needs and then asked me if I could put it in the oven. So I did what she asked me. 10.15 am: child A is in the playground area with friends on the climbing frame. One girl is in front of her. She is waiting for her turn to down the slide. 10.30 am: child A is playing with another child. She is running, laughing and screaming. 10.45 am: child A is helping to tidy up the playground. Shes putting all the blocks in the box. 11.00 am: child A is in the writing area, she is drawing a big butterfly; she is using different colour pencils and drawing at the centre of the paper. 11.15 am: child A is sitting on the floor (group-time) she is listening to music and taking part in dance activity. She is copying the action that the teacher does. 11.30 am: time to go home, child A is standing on both feet, wearing her jacket, walks towards her mum and goes home. Mentors signature: Date: Conclusion I have looked at Piagets theory to support my observation and by doing that I came to know that children are active learners. Available at: . I believe this statement that children learn and explore when they are active. Jean Piaget also believed that children are actively involved in structuring their own cognitive development through exploration of their environment. Children need real objects and concrete experiences to discover things for themselves. According to (D3webdesignes.com,2007-2010)Children ages 3 years old are expected to relate present activities and past experiences and to draw a person with a head and also to sort objects into simple categories. By carrying out the observation on child A, I noticed that she co operates well with other children of her age. According to Penny Tassoni, (2002) children aged 3-4 start to co-operate with each other and enjoy playing together. Most of their play is pretend play. Therefore, this shows that she is at the right stage of her development. Her social and emotional are also at the right stage for her age. By looking at the observation, I noticed that her physical development is at the right stage too, as she can run, walk and use the slide without any help. Her intellectual skills are that she can draw pictures, write her name, and use different colours. Play is also plays an imperative role in childrens learning. Play helps them in developing five areas, creative, physical, imaginative, manipulative and social. Wasserman (1992) explains five advantages of play. Firstly children will be able to produce something new, and they will be able to take risks. Therefore, play provides the sensible learning and improvement to the child. In plays learning environment, children will develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Recommendation I think that this observation needs to be carried out frequently in nursery; because then teachers and parents can realize how these kinds of activities promote childrens learning. Therefore, practitioners would be able to create a range of other activities to advance the childrens knowledge and understanding. For example: the setting must provide children more range of drawing pencils and pens, and different texture of paper, in this case it would be (child A). This will encourage her to express her feelings as well as helping her in gaining more confidence in drawing and painting. Secondly I recommend that setting needs to provide children extra free time to play in order to explore the world around them and also they must ensure that equipments and all the materials are prepared for the children to come and play when ever they wish. Thirdly I recommend that practitioners and parents take their children out for walks and talk to them about nature, by this, the child would look around, and therefore they may ask questions about the world around them. What I learnt by doing this observation? By doing this observation I realized that child A is more likely to involve in creative activities with her peers. McMillan believed that having accessed to mainly most materials in play activities is important in childrens play as it helps them to develop as a whole person. Isaac also believes that play must encourage children to discover their inner feelings. By carrying out this observation I also learnt how to get involved in activities with children and how to encourage them to explore the colours. Child A expanded her creativity in this exercise as she practiced painting methods and mixing other products to make a cake. She also learned to trust opinions of the teacher assistant that she works with, she learned to appreciate adults experience and knowledge. By carrying out this observation Ive found out that child A is at the right developmental stage, however, each child develops at their own rate. Moreover, this observation improved my understanding on how children play with the littlest amount of items and achieve so much information and knowledge from it. I also realized that she has very good hand to eye co-ordination which allows her to control her hand movements.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Communications Between Parents and Children Essay example -- Communica
Healthy family relationships depend on healthy communications. â€Å"Good communication helps keep a family running smoothly and prevents misunderstandings from escalating into conflict or from being buried unresolved.†(Feiden, 68) There are many ways and times to practice and teach good communication to children. There are many times that without good communication, the parent-child relationship suffers and sometimes ends abruptly. Allen Schwartz, PH.D., states that he knows of â€Å"many cases where children are raised in an atmosphere of dark secrecy about both the matriarchal and patriarchal parts of their families. They grow up with a sense that something must be wrong but fear discussing this with their parents.†(5) Most people have grown up with family secrets, but some secrets can destroy a family. The act of hiding the secret(s) provides an excuse to limit self-disclosure, and reacts negatively on one’s self-esteem. When these become extremely limited or negative, there is an increased chance of a separation and possible ending of the relationship. The end of the relationship could mean that parent and child no longer talk, or they are forcibly separated for their own health in extreme cases. Unfortunately, â€Å"emotional health can be passed down from generation to generation just as easily as abuse and dysfunction,†(Bloch, 7) making such dysfunctions of communications a continu ous process. Sturges writes â€Å"children will learn how to communicate with the world based in large part on how they have learned to communicate with their parents.†(31) Children often learn their communication behaviors not only from what we say but also from our actions. For example, If you tell your child that they can talk to you about anything, but y... ... their minds. It is important for the parent to respect their wishes and let them know that they will be available when the child is ready to talk and that you won’t be judgmental. Let the child tell the whole story before interceding with your thoughts. There are also instances where the child won’t want your opinion; they just want you to listen to their problems. This can be tricky to know whether the child wants your opinion or your ears but if you are actively listening to your child, you will know what it is that they are wanting. Remember, good communication is the heart of everything you do in life. Without good communication skills, things won’t get done properly and could cause hurt relationships. Learning these communication skills begins at home from the day that the child is born and should be continued into adulthood and for the rest of their lives.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Medication Errors Essay
When doing the job of nursing one of the most important aspects is patient safety. The biggest danger to patients is medication. A medication error is when the nurse gives a patient the wrong medication or the dose of medication could be wrong. The danger of the medication error is that it can lead to an over dose, a reaction, or even death to a patient. There are several things to know when dealing with medication errors like who should fill it out, who should receive a completed report, why would you fill one out, what is included, and what a near miss is. The first thing to know is that it is the responsibility of the nurse who made or discovers the medication error. Once the report is filled out then it is given to the unit nurse supervisor then forward to the QI department. There are several reasons why you would fill out a report such as: Omission error, Wrong dose, Wrong route, Wrong rate, Wrong drug, Wrong time, Wrong duration of treatment, Wrong patient, Wrong preparation of a dose, Incorrect administration technique. The most common things that cause medication errors are illegibly written orders, dispensing errors, calculation errors, monitoring errors, administration errors. When filling out a medication report you should describe the error or preventable adverse drug reaction and what went wrong? Was this an actual medication accident (reached the patient) or are you expressing concern about a potential error or writing about an error that was discovered before it reached the patient? Type of practice site (hospital, private office, retail pharmacy, drug company, long-term care facility, etc.). Generic name (INN or official name) of all products involved. Brand name of all products involved. Dosage form, concentration or strength, etc. Where error was based on communication problem, is a sample of the order available? Are samples or pictures available if requested? State your recommendations for error prevention. You also have to include your name, email, fax, address, title, phone, and location. A near miss is any Circumstance, process, or event that did not reach the patient, but has the potential to cause harm. It is considered a medication error but one of the best turn outs of medication error is a near miss. There should never be any reason for medication errors but they do happen in real life.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Influence of Space on Human Life
Everything that on the Earth similar to that in the sky. Hermes Trismegist For thousand-year history human being has always tried to learn the world around him and looked into illimitable spaces of the sky. Human being has always felt hunger for knowledge. Thirst for new knowledge has always presented in the human being. The human nature itself has leaded us to discover previously unknown secrets. I have always liked Apple Company. Now, when I have learned more about Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Company I have understood why this company so imposed to me.Jobs and Waz put their souls into their business. They set a goal to be successful and searched greedy for new knowledge. Jobs's favorite expression is: â€Å"Stay hungry. Stay foolish†. If try to find qualities inherent to such successful people as politicians or businessmen it became possible to set the simple pattern that they put big sometimes fantastic goals before themselves and they have great diligence. It is a key to success, progress and development. The Universe always has been the main object of the human being observation. Our ancestors looked into the sky and much was unknown to them.Illimitable depths of the sky attracted them. Movement of the Sun and the Earth and other celestial bodies were the main objects of scientific researchers at all times. The human being has begun to overcome the earth’s gravity several centuries ago. Half a century ago and so far, the only time the human being has left his footprint on the surface of the Moon. It is very small time span in the scale of the Universe. Our telescopes and spacecrafts cannot scan and overcome necessary distances yet. Technological progress level of a mankind does not allow studying space bodies we are interested in.It is necessary for us to make the next evolutionary step. Because there is a continuous movement and there are processes in there where we still cannot look in. They can change the Solar system configur ation so to change our planet and life. We should study intensively and try to simulate possible exposure scenarios to be ready for unknown threats. The mankind should try to be rescued as in fact the future is in our hands. I have chosen a theme of space randomly. My mother is a journalist. She makes films commissioned by domestic television channels. My mother has worked above her next film in 2008.This time she has chosen a theme of innovations in economy. She has convincingly showed the value of space researches for development of Kazakhstan economy in her project. It is generally known that the largest cosmodrome on the Earth is in the territory of my country. It is Baikonur cosmodrome. Yuri Gagarin the first person has departed to the space from the first launching pad of Baikonur. Today hundreds of rockets a year are launched from our cosmodrome. These rockets launch satellites, space stations and the scientific equipment into the low Earth orbit.Discoveries which do scientis ts in space help to develop science and agriculture and also to learn changes in climate and many other things. Then I would like to learn more about influence of space on our life and what can we expects after 100, 300 or 500 years pass. Also it was very interesting to learn what lurks beyond the Solar system. In fact we know very little about it. In this project I would try to highlight only small part of the mentioned theme about the Universe Secrets as it is too extensive and deep theme to consider it entirely.Therefore, leaning only on known and clear to me facts, I have decided to develop such important theme in my project as â€Å"Influence of space on human life†. Now would like to tell about my aim. Based on the foregoing, I have a purpose to create informative electronic book for Miras International School community. With the help of my project I wish to inform others that the theme about the Universe can be very interesting. To learn about science researches and di rections that study space threats and ways of its definition and prevention.We should know on what a fragile and defenseless planet we live. All of this is madly interesting and fearful simultaneously. Plots of fantastic films can become a reality. My work can change our attitude to space, someone can be interested and someone can look at the world surrounding us in another way, to value and love it. We cannot notice it but every day we feel influence of the Sun, the Moon or other celestial bodies to the Earth and people. Day and night, ebbs or flows in the seas and oceans all of that is a result of the influence of the space bodies on our planet.We also know what impact can be in case of collision of the Earth with large fragments of space bodies (asteroids, comets, meteors, etc. ). Scientists are unable to define impacts of such collision yet. Large meteorites fell to the Earth at various times. Traces of the Tunguska meteorite in territory of Russia can be seen today. There was a great fire on the large territory. Thousand hectares of wood have been tumbled down. And what can be if great comet or its part would collide with the Earth. Any scientist can predict such collision impacts. Such collision can be tragic for the mankind.Considering this, I put primary objectives which I would try to highlight in my project: a. To view the literature on my topic; b. Find out how space affects human life; c. Investigate those questions: * What is the Universe? * To study the theoretical aspects and identify â€Å"Influence of space on human life†; * What is the main problem of â€Å"Influence of space on human life†? * How to solve those problems? * How much interesting the theme of space, its secret and influence of the space on human life can be? * In what direction the space science is developing? What successes scientists have? * How can I influence the outlook of people? d. Find the answers to the following questions: * In what sphere of activity yo u see yourself: in the humanitarian or natural? *  Who would you like to become in the future? Why? *  What is the main danger for humanity could you pick up? *  What is more dangerous for humanity: the threat of the earth or out of the earth? *  How can we influence the reduction of these threats? *  Can new technologies to harm our planet? *  Are there in the Universe any other civilization? *  Where is the end of the universe? e.Collect variety and good amount of sources and resources (interviews, surveys, newspaper, books, internet); f. Choose the most efficient way to transfer information (conceptual table); g. Create a product. My topic connect with area interaction â€Å"Human-Ingenuity†. A person must think about consequences of his activity. Year after year the human being learns more and more about his planet and the world about him. Events seeming today a fantasy tomorrow can be the ordinary phenomena. In fact, once spaceflights were themes of fantasts. A person creates, opens new technologies for alleviation of his life.In many cases things that created by the hands of the person is going as a harm. Our technologies lead serious changes of flora and fauna composition, quantity of population. Some kinds adapt to changed conditions, the other can disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, we must always think that everything created by man was a blessing for all, not harming our environment. I dare to assume that the more people would learn about the probable collisions of the Earth with celestial bodies the more people would be shown with interest to this theme and probably would start to investigate this direction of the science seriously.Indeed, many people are blind about what can be with close to them people, houses if the Earth would be overtaken with monstrous accident suddenly. Then from the map of the Earth not only separate cities and states can disappear but also the Earth can stop its existence and human civilization would come to the end and the great minds, states should joint their efforts, scientific and intellectual resources to prevent such tragedy. The ideology of our actions is very simple only joint efforts are chance to survive.
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